Fresh ova donors are completely screened and their profiles are kept on record. Once a fresh ova donor is selected by a recipient, she is ready to donate once the recipient would like to start. The donor’s cycle is synced with the recipient and once the cycles are aligned, the donation procedure occurs. The donor’s ova is retrieved and fertilised with the recipient partner’s sperm or donor sperm if applicable.
Frozen ova donors have completed all the screenings and have already donated to the ova bank. Once the ova are retrieved during the follicle aspiration, they are prepared and vitrified (frozen). The ova are kept in the ova bank until the donor’s profile is selected by a recipient. These donor profiles can be practical for patients from abroad as the ova are ready to be used when the recipient is ready for their cycle and synchronization of cycles is not necessary. Once a frozen donor is selected, the ova is thawed and fertilised with the recipient partner’s sperm or donor sperm if applicable.
Agency donors are fresh ova donors that are kept on record but they have not been screened as they reside in other provinces. These donors have had interviews but are only screened medically once they have been selected. Agency donors can be used when a recipient is having treatment at another fertility clinic, in another province, that requires an ova donor. When an agency donor is selected, the donor is screened, if the donor fulfills all the requirements, she is ready to donate in a fresh cycle as soon the recipient would like to start the cycle.